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Pointcloud To CAD Conversion Services

AmayaCAD has been providing accurate point cloud conversion services from laser scan file. Our team receives the scan point cloud data in various formats like pts, pcs, rcp rcs, rcx, ptx, pcg, xyx, fls files. Our experienced Engineering & CAD designer team study these point cloud file and generate accurate 3D CAD model from the scan files. Our team can translate as-built data captured into millimeter-accurate 3D CAD models using software such as AutoCAD, Revit, MicroStation & Cloudworx softwares. Cloud point data collected from laser scanning can be converted to produce an accurate 3D as-built CAD model, intelligent or non-intelligent, as required for individual projects. The Benefits of 3D modeling are many: Improved design quality Reduction, if not elimination, of human error Better visualization Elimination of re-work Creation of a true-to-life model Enables ordering of exact quantities of raw materials Better, earlier communication of design intent Easier design collaboration Earlier departmental buy-in saves time Faster time to market Enables concurrent engineering By outsourcing your point cloud conversion, your designers and CAD operators are free to work on new projects, while we create the digital model that exactly replicates the form of the scanned object. You simply need to send us your point cloud data, and we will align and edit it to create a finalized complete 3D model.

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